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Why is My Homeowners Insurance So High? And Ways to Reduce Your Home Insurance Costs


As with most things, homeowners insurance rates are increasing. So if you find yourself asking “why is my homeowners insurance so high?” rest assured, you aren’t alone. 

Homeowners insurance provides financial protection to the homeowner in the event of property damage or damage to their personal belongings, as well as liability for injuries or damages that occur on their property. But home insurance rates don’t remain static and can change over time, due to market conditions, natural disasters, and inflation (among other factors). And according to the Insurance Information Institute, homeowners insurance rates have been on the rise, and are only expected to continue rising.1

Keep reading to learn more about what can contribute to homeowners insurance rates and practical ways to reduce your insurance cost. 

At a glance:

  • Choosing the wrong home insurance provider, low deductibles, and poor credit scores can contribute to high insurance rates.
  • Comparing rates, raising deductibles, bundling policies, and researching discounts are effective strategies for reducing home insurance premiums.
  • Regularly reviewing your homeowners insurance policy can help minimize expenses down the road.

How has homeowners insurance changed in recent years?

Home insurance rates, and home insurance as a whole, have adapted to evolving risks, market conditions, and consumer needs over the past several years, reflecting both the risk landscape and consumer demands. Notable changes include:2

Homeowners insurance predictions for 2023

Although inflation began to slow in the second half of 2023, it is predicted that the inflation rate will continue to rise through 2024, affecting the cost of construction materials, labor, and replacement costs for damaged properties, which often lead to higher home insurance premiums.3 

Along with inflation, certain states may experience more significant insurance changes due to added local factors such as weather patterns, increased property risks, or regulatory changes. While it's challenging to gather predictions for rate changes in every state, here is a list of states/regions that may experience home insurance rate changes:4

  • Coastal states (Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina, etc.)

  • Wildfire-prone regions (California, Oregon, and Washington, etc.)

  • Tornado Alley (Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas, etc.)

  • High-population-density states (New York, Illinois, and New Jersey, etc.)

  • States with high crime (Michigan, Louisiana, and New Mexico, etc.)

Factors that affect homeowner’s insurance rates 

There are a number of factors that can impact the cost of home insurance coverage, and wrapping your head around these factors is key to managing your home insurance rate effectively.

Choosing the wrong insurance company

It’s important to compare insurance providers to find the one that best fits your needs. Some insurers may specialize in certain types of coverage, such as insurance for high-value homes or coverage for properties in flood-prone areas, while others may offer more competitive rates for more basic coverage.

Low deductibles

Opting for a low deductible may initially be appealing because it means paying less out-of-pocket. However, because insurance companies assume a greater portion of the financial risk when a low deductible is involved, they balance potential payouts with higher insurance rates. 

Poor credit score

Insurance companies often consider credit scores an indicator of financial responsibility and risk. Individuals with higher credit scores are generally perceived as less likely to file an insurance claim, while those with lower scores are viewed as riskier investments.

To maintain a good credit score, try to pay your bills on time and keep your credit card balances low relative to your credit limits. This correlation between insurance and credit score is a key factor that many homeowners may not initially consider. 

Multiple insurance policies

Protecting your investments—home, life, auto—with different insurance companies is not always the best bet, financially speaking. Insurance companies often incentivize customers to consolidate insurance needs by offering multi-policy discounts. 

High-risk location

If your home is in an area prone to natural disasters like hurricanes, windstorms, or tornadoes, or if it is located in a high-crime neighborhood, insurance companies may consider it a higher risk, leading to higher premiums. Including loss of coverage use in your policy can help cover living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event. 

Aging home

Older homes can often require repair, renovations, or additional maintenance in general, and subsequently have a higher risk of structural issues, and plumbing or electrical problems. 

Additional features

Certain features of your home (swimming pools, trampolines, or wood-burning stoves, etc.) can increase the risk of accidents or damage. Insurance companies factor in these additional risks when calculating premiums. 

High-valued items 

If you own expensive personal belongings or valuable collectibles, you may need additional coverage beyond the standard policy limits, which can increase premiums.

Dwelling coverage

Dwelling coverage is essential for protecting your home against physical damage. It covers repair or replacement costs of the home's structure due to events like fore or storms, ensuring you can restore your home with less financial strain. 

How to lower your homeowners insurance cost

From comparing rates and raising your deductible to improving your credit score and exploring discounts, there are steps you can take to save on homeowners insurance. 

Compare rates

One of the most effective ways to lower homeowners insurance premiums is to compare rates from multiple companies. Obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies to ensure you’re getting the best possible rate, but keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always provide the best coverage.

Raise your deductible

The deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. By opting for a higher deductible, you assume more financial risk in the event of a claim, so it’s important to choose a deductible amount that you can afford to pay.

Improve credit score

Maintaining a good credit score demonstrates financial responsibility and can help you secure lower insurance premiums. Paying bills on time, reducing debt, and managing your finances responsibly can improve your credit score over time. 

Bundle insurance policies

Bundling policies can result in significant savings. However, it’s important to ensure that the bundled coverage still meets your needs and provides adequate protection for your assets.

Discover discounts

Some insurers may offer discounts for military affiliations, a good claims history, or for installing safety systems throughout the home.5 Be sure to ask your insurance agents about any potential discounts you may qualify for.

An informed approach to unraveling homeowners insurance costs

Understanding how insurance premiums are calculated can influence the decision-making when determining how to reduce your insurance costs. Remember to review your policy periodically and make adjustments, as needed, to ensure you have the best insurance coverage at the price you are willing to pay. If you still have questions, contact your insurance agent for expert advice and guidance.

Connecting with an independent agent appointed with Openly will help you explore tailored coverage options for your unique needs. When purchasing home insurance, it's important to compare different policies and coverage levels to find the best fit for your unique situation.  

* We provide this information to help you understand insurance. Any coverage is subject to the terms of your policy. Please refer to your policy and declaration page for complete coverage details.

Loretta Worters. “Insurer Premiums Did Not Keep Pace with Inflation for Years.” Triple-I. Published 9 February 2023. Accessed 19 July 2023. 

Debra Kamin. “Home Insurance Premiums Rise as Americans Flock to Weather-Worn States.” NY Times. Published 5 May 2023. Accessed 19 July 2023.,a%20data%

Jeff Cox. “Inflation rose just 0.2% in June, less than expected as consumers get a break from price increase.” CNBC. Published 12 July 2023. Accessed 19 July 2023. 


Ashley Kilroy. “How To Get Homeowners Insurance Discounts.” Forbes. Published 3 November 2022. Accessed 19 July 2023. 


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About the Author

Alyssa Little | Senior Content Strategist

Alyssa is the Senior Content Strategist at Openly, collaborating with industry thought leaders to provide insightful and informative content in the home insurance space. With over 15 years experience in content marketing strategy, copywriting, and editing, Alyssa has refined her expertise through her work at such companies as Gartner, Nike, and Trupanion. Alyssa holds a BA in History from the University of Puget Sound and an MA in Museum Studies from Newcastle University.

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